First-Year Students

The Frederick Honors College (FHC) is thrilled to welcome the Class of 2028 to the University of Pittsburgh! We encourage you to visit this page periodically for updates about FHC move-in and welcome week events, as well as resources on Honors courses, housing, and community.

FHC Orientation

The Frederick Honors College Orientation will take place on Monday, August 19, 2024. The time and location are TBA.

FHC Preceptorials

Preceptorials are small events with groups of FHC students hosted by FHC faculty/staff members. They will take place on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Details about the various activities students can participate in are TBA.

Key Points About Honors Courses for First-Year Students

The Frederick Honors College offers interdisciplinary courses aimed toward providing content and context for your Honors studies starting as early as your very first semester at Pitt.

  • What is an Honors course like?

  • How do I search for Honors courses? Use PeopleSoft/Campus Experience (CX) to find the list of all Honors courses being offered. On the Class Search page, select Frederick Honors Course in the Course Attribute pull-down menu to get the list.

  • An interdisciplinary Honors course appropriate for many first-year students: PITT 0130 Wellness & Resilience (class # 25559)

  • Should I take an Honors course in my major? The answer to this question varies depending on your academic background and the particular Honors course. You and your academic advisor in your school will explore this question. However, you can also reach out to the Honors College at with any additional questions. 

First-Year Housing in Sutherland

Honors students get priority access to the housing community, which brings together driven students from all different backgrounds. First-year FHC students reside in our Living-Learning Community (LLC) in Sutherland Hall.