Student Research Highlights

As a student in the David C. Frederick Honors College, you will have numerous opportunities to participate in research and showcase your work. Get inspiration from previous Frederick Honors research projects!

Annual David C. Frederick Honors College Research Symposium

The David C. Frederick Research Symposium will take place at a to be determined date. Students across all disciplines will present their research and creative works. You can still view this year's student work at the virtual research symposium.

D-Scholarship @Pitt

Students who complete and defend their Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) theses have their work published in the University's institutional repository for research output.

Frederick Honors Blog

Students participating in the Research & Creative Fellowships blog about their projects throughout the duration of their fellowships. 

Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review

The Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review (PUR) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal where students can publish their Frederick Honors affiliated research and creative work.