Chancellor's Undergraduate Research Fellowships

The Chancellor's Undergraduate Research Fellowship is intended to support student involvement in independent research under the direction of a faculty mentor. Up to ten $800 fellowships, administered by the Frederick Honors College (FHC), are offered to encourage the enrichment of the students' experience in defining objectives and selecting methodologies appropriate to original research in their chosen field of study. The fellowships are available for one term, either fall or spring.


Applications for Spring 2025 fellowships will be announced in late September 2024.

Who May Apply

Undergraduate students who are sponsored by and working with a faculty member during the upcoming fall or spring term may apply. Students also must be registered for courses full time during the term for which the fellowship is awarded. Preference is given to applicants with a 3.25 cumulative GPA. PLEASE NOTE: Students can apply for both the Chancellor's Undergraduate Research Fellowship and a FHC Research Fellowship in the same term, however a student cannot be awarded more than one fellowship per semester.

How to Apply

The student and the sponsoring faculty member must make a joint application according to the guidelines listed below. Application materials must be received by submitted via the online application by the date specified above. The FHC will evaluate the proposals, and all applicants will be notified of decisions roughly 30 days after the application deadline.

Projects for Which Awards are Made

A successful proposal will show evidence that the project includes a well-defined role for the student in the research endeavor as well as indicating the specific objectives of the student's research. The proposal should clearly indicate that the student will retain some independent responsibility for some appropriate aspect of the project.

The Awards

Each Chancellor's Undergraduate Research fellow will be awarded $800 for participation in the proposed project. The funds are directly credited to the fellow's student account by the financial aid office; therefore, a student must be enrolled full time (i.e., enrolled in at least 12 credits) during the term for which the fellowship is awarded. Additionally, students can be awarded only one Chancellor's Undergraduate Research Fellowship during their entire undergraduate career at Pitt.

Application Materials


  • Online Application Form
  • Project Description - Provide a description of your proposed project, emphasizing your interests and goals, your preparation for this project, an explanation of how your project relates to current research in the field, and the methodology you will use to complete your project. Project descriptions should typically be no more than 3-4 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font.
  • Academic Record - Provide a copy of your current transcript (it may be unofficial).

Faculty Mentor:

Nomination Letter – Please describe the student’s role in the project; evaluate the student’s potential for successful completion of the project; and detail your role in guiding the student, including how you will prepare the student for the project, how you will guide the student throughout the course of the project, and how you will evaluate the project at its completion. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: To ensure your mentor's letter is submitted before the deadline, please begin a draft of the application and click "save as draft." Then, via the application, send the letter request to your mentor. This will ensure they have sufficient time to submit the letter before the deadline.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide all materials mentioned above and to ensure that the faculty mentor’s letter of recommendation is submitted. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Please Remember

Application materials must be submitted by the deadline stated above. No late applications will be accepted, so please plan for unexpected obstacles (e.g., internet outages, computer problems, etc.) If you have additional questions, please contact Abby Chen, Research Program Coordinator (

Students are welcome to discuss their proposals with FHC advising staff and/or Abby Chen prior to the formal submission.